Registration and abstract submission
Registration and abstract submission are now closed.
Invited Speakers
Click HERE to access more information about the Plenary talks
Marta D. Santos
Communication & Image Unit of Ciências ULisboa
Thursday, 27th of April - "Reinventing myself in science: a love story”
Marta Daniela Santos is a science communicator currently working at the Communication & Image Unit of Ciências ULisboa, where she is responsible for establishing a closer connection with our research units and fostering science communication. Her academic path is quite varied. She holds a PhD in Physics (Ciências ULisboa, 2012) and a Master’s in Science Communication (FCSH-NOVA, 2015). After doing scientific research for some time, she became a full-time science communicator: after working at the Projects team of the Pavillion of Knowledge – Ciência Viva (2014-2015), she returned to academia as Science Public Information Officer at Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes (2016-2021). In all this path, what moves her is curiosity and contributing to make science a natural part of culture. And for that, collaborating with scientists from diverse areas has been crucial. Marta Daniela Santos is also Vice-President of SciComPt – Portuguese Science and Technology Communication Network (2020-2023).

Richard Ladle
Principal researcher at CIBIO/BIOPOLIS
Friday, 28th of April - "Can the internet reconnect societies with nature?"
Richard Ladle has a BSc in Zoology from the University of Newcastle upon Tyne (UK) and a PhD in Evolutionary Ecology from Oxford University (UK). He is currently the European Research Area (ERA) Chair in Tropical Biodiversity and Ecosystems Research at CIBIO and Titular Professor at the Federal University of Alagoas (Brazil). Author of over 250 research articles and books, his research interests include human-nature interactions, conservation biogeography and the use of new technology to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of wildlife conservation.
Important dates
Registration deadline: March 5th,
Abstract submission deadline: March 5th,
Late abstract submission deadline: March 17th, 2023
Frequently Asked Questions
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Organizing Committee
Catarina J. Pinho Ana Barros
Cátia Alves Jéssica Teodoro-Paulo
Inês Miranda Joel Laia
Luís Santos
Sara Sampaio
With the support of: